Ardy Pirnia
Pirnia Law Group
Ardy Pirnia, Esq. was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. After attending both the Universities of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Los Angeles (UCLA), Uncle Ardy (as he is better know in and around Los Angeles) took one entire year of schooling and travelled the world. It was in Morocco that he found is calling to be a trial attorney and philanthropist, and soon thereafter he began law school at the Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law. After winning multiple Trial, Appellate and Negotiation competitions throughout the country during his tenure at Pepperdine, Uncle Ardy won the extremely competitive Oral Advocate of the Year Award in 2012. After working for multiple firms for several years, Uncle Ardy founded THE PIRNIA LAW GROUP in April 2014 and has not looked back ever since. Although Uncle Ardy works 60+ hours a week, he still finds time to Netflix and Chill, Play Basketball both recreationally and with the PLG team and spend quality time with his friends, family and plethora of nieces and nephews. As he always says – “TRUST YOUR UNCLE!”